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Happy Hearts Indonesia goes to East Nusa Tenggara

With the need of better education and the goal to eradicate poverty, Happy Hearts Indonesia has expanded its support to the islands of Sumba and West Timor. The islands that lay on the outer skirts of south east Indonesia are many times forgotten, but children are in desperate need for a better education with proper schools and facilities. In 2015 Happy Hearts Indonesia has started to visit and evaluate many schools on those two islands. We have encountered schools left in dangerous condition without toilet and other sanitary facilities. Schools with no tables and chairs and no educational materials. We have set the goal to give these children a voice and help them to receive a better education. In June 2016 our first pre-school reopened its door in Kupang, West Timor and we have started with the second project 3 hours away from the city in a small village. Our first school in Sumba is expected to be finish in September this year.