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Transforming Education: The Inspiring Journey of PAUD Joel in East Nusa Tenggara


PAUD Joel began educating bright young minds in a local church in East Nusa Tenggara in 2009, equipped with no more than a desire to educate the children in the area. To ensure the school’s longevity, they seek accreditation from BAN, the State Accreditation Board. Their applications were rejected for seven years due to the lack of existing infrastructure for the school. This means PAUD Joel was at risk of closing indefinitely and not eligible for government funding, a detrimental loss for the community.


Transforming Education: The Inspiring Journey of PAUD Joel in East Nusa Tenggara


In 2016, Happy Hearts Indonesia, with the help of a donor, provided the school with a two-classroom building and a toilet. This change has impacted the school immensely. The change was immediate. Enrollment rates and attendance rose, and the school quickly ran out of seats for prospective students. In 2019, Happy Hearts Indonesia once again helped PAUD Joel by expanding their school through a different donor. In 2021, after a thorough evaluation from BAN, PAUD Joel received their accreditation with flying colours after seven long years. Finally, in 2023, the Municipal Administration in Kupang awarded PAUD Joel as having one of the best facilities in the area, boosting the establishment’s impact on society as a whole.


Transforming Education: The Inspiring Journey of PAUD Joel in East Nusa Tenggara 2


The complexity of keeping a school to the national standard may escape the average person’s mind. PAUD Joel is one of the many examples of local schools in underdeveloped areas in Indonesia. Their situation proved that a school rebuilding program directly impacts the community at large in various ways. It created more opportunities for children to be in early childhood education, enabled the teachers to focus on school management as said by Ibu Ida Lubalu, a teacher at PAUD Joel, and it provided the community with an invaluable asset that would be beneficial to countless children and their parents for years to come.