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Embarking Self-Sustaining Journey through Livestock Feed Production at SMK Negeri Batu Putih

School Operational Assistance Fund (BOS) is the government program that assists schools to keep operating while supporting students’ activity in school to maximize their potential and nurturing young ideas and critical minds to grow and develop. Yet, due to the limited funds, the school was barely not able to have adequate facilities, instead the school was established on bamboo building, logs, and thatched roofs, which led to inadequate learning environment. 

In the year of 2019, Happy Hearts Indonesia assisted the school rebuilding which will enable students to have a safe and well-established space to learn in school. It does not merely rebuild the school, in 2022, we equipped the school with a library to accelerate reading-interest growth and literacy skills. Beyond rebuilding the school and its equipment, we conduct training, specialized in Financial Management and School Entrepreneurship (FMSE).

This aims to provide them with a comprehensive knowledge in analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats or known as “SWOT” and it quickly became evident that the school needs a revenue stream. During the training, the participant found that livestock farming is one of the main sources of income for local residents in Batu Putih sub-district.

Since the main challenge that faced by the local farmers was to meet sufficient feed for their livestock. Therefore, the teachers and students of SMK Negeri Batu Putih decided to start their own livestock feed which will generate revenue to eventually be allocated to support the school’s operational expenses, such as maintaining facilities, purchasing educational materials, and enhancing other school programs. 

“In this practical activity, we were able to learn to become entrepreneurs and actualize the idea of livestock feed production which can uplift the school revenue. Thanks to HHI who have conducted FMSE training in 2023. Ever since we have learned a lot and it leads us to develop the idea of livestock feed business into reality to address what the farmer’s need.” Said Yesly Christian Allu Samani Langngi, S.Pt., Gr. as a Teacher there.

Eventually the partnership between Happy Hearts Indonesia and SMK Negeri Batu Putih has not only rebuilt the school and provided essential facilities but has also empowered the school community with entrepreneurial skills through the FMSE training. By identifying livestock feed production as a sustainable revenue stream, the school is now equipped to address local needs while generating funds to support its operations and enhance the learning environment. This initiative reflects the profound impact of education, empowerment, and community-driven solutions in building a brighter future for students and the wider community.