In order to improve education access in Indonesia, Happy Hearts Indonesia has been fundraising to rebuild damaged schools caused by natural disasters or are in poor conditions to open doors of opportunities to access quality education for children across Indonesia.What makes Happy Hearts Indonesia different from other foundations in Indonesia is that donors are able to make Cryptocurrency donations on the Happy Hearts Indonesia website ( Happy Hearts Indonesia is collaborating with The Giving Block, a Cryptocurrency fundraising platform, which enables them to accept donations in a wide range of Crypto assets, for instance Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and many more.According to the data reflected on Crypto Giving Tuesday, the campaign initiated by The Giving Block, there was a surge in digital asset donations accounted for 583% during 2021.Sylvia Beiwinkler, the CEO of Happy Hearts Indonesia, explained, “Cryptocurrency investment has been growing considerably globally and locally, in Indonesia. It allows us to grab the opportunity of accepting donations in the form of digital assets which then 100% will be utilized to build better access to education for children in need throughout Indonesia.”Since making donations in Cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, donors do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on their taxes. This makes Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency donations one of the most tax-efficient ways to support Happy Hearts Indonesia.By lending your support through Cryptocurrency donations to Happy Hearts Indonesia, you will help accelerate the school rebuilding process and promote equal opportunity for quality education for children across Indonesia.